Sunday, May 6, 2007

My Life

Finally, I have my own blog. Life is totally boring after got married. No difference. Mind as well I dont get married so I'm free to out with anybody i want and date whoever I like. Not restricted. Of course we have to change for the sake of kids and nevertheless we are getting older in age. I like the gals out there who got married and wish to start a new leaf. have a happy life with my love one like a fairy tale... livehapily ever after.. Not going back to my past. But im just lack of love from my husband... Who am I supposed to blame? My self for being such a childish or my husband who is stupid in showing his compassionate. We seldom have sex, I can say two months once.

I feel neglected, i'm thinking that he got someone better than me, but that cannot be, coz he is almost at home when he is not working, and when he is at work, i will definitely call him to ensure that he is really at work.. I'm confused... I caught him twice his hp full of sex video clip. Is he sick in the brain or what? I caught him having a friendster account getting to knoe gals.... I dont mind if he do all this shit coz I know I can also do that. To me what goes around comes around. Its not fair for me being honest and he dont... The thing is he is always at home... He is driving me crazey !!! I dont want to be cheated and i do not wish to be the first person to cheat him.. So what now? wait till I caught him red handed kissing a gal? too late by then....

If its not for the kids, i will definitely had left him long time ago. I need advice, i need feedback. as a lady without mother its very difficult as no one to talk to... How I wish my mum is beside me giving me advice. To share this feeling.... I ever ask for a divorce so that we can go on with our live. He can find someone better and so do I. Life must go on rather than I'm stuck here like a living corpse... he object, he claim he still love me like he did before.... but why not pampering me, why are you not showing? He make me feel in doubt. He still bring me out to shop and dinner but where is the love... Let me tell you, you jus make me remind of my ex... dont blame me for thinking of my ex most of the time. Coz i guess my ex treat me better than you do. He treat me like a princess, if its not my father who reject him, i believe i will be happy with him....

I just wait for my ex to call me back coz I know he will definitely call me. I also know that you know he will call me one day and once he called me and yet you are not changed.. thats it!!! Bye Love!!! Im giving you a grace period..... My frens thought that im being childish and you are always right. Ya its true you are a nice guy. but its just that you never show your love. I have my own feeling, I feel neglected!!! they just dont understands me..... I want the world to know guys like him are stupid!!!!

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