Monday, May 7, 2007

Miss You Mum!!!

Mummy, Word that i hunger to say... i miss to call u, i miss the time when u are being so angry to me for not listening to you. I miss the time when you grounded me and i shout at you... How I wish that I could turn back time and spend the whole precious time with you... and now that you're gone... forever... and never come back .... I regret being so rebellious....

And now i have a become a mummy like you... now then i realise, i have become like you, want the best for my children.. Now I understand what you go through all these years.... Its tough!!!! To be good mother and a good wife at the same time is hard.... Even when you are gone, me and family always think about you.... Your clothes is still in the closet, unremoved and untouched... your old ad favorite slippers is still in the shoe rack... We are not shifting to our new place as plan. Every angle of the house, we do see you. We just want to feel that you are still in the house so that we dont feel something amiss.

I remember the time when i gave birth to my daughters, in pain of labour, suddenly i'm thinking of you... You go through hard time, you go hunger just to feed get things we want just to sastify us.... Your the best mum ever ....

But why God take you away from me when I started to love you, to value you, to treasure happy moments together... To be frank, i had no enough of you.... Life is so unfair... life is so cruel!!!

I always think of you and what are you doing right now...? Everybody miss you, miss your laughter, miss your cook, miss your love....

This mother's day, we are just watching others celebrate. I really wish to say that I really Love YOU... even i never say it to you when you're around. I wish you can hear me. God!!! Please tell her that We Love Her and We really Miss Her!!! May God bless her....AMIN!!!

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